Healthy Offaly

Healthy Offaly aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Offaly over the coming years as part of the Healthy Ireland Framework launched in 2013.

Healthy Offaly is a multi sectorial sub committee of Offaly County Council established under the Offaly Local Community and Development Committee.

A Healthy Offaly Team comprising membership from Offaly County Council, Offaly Local Development Company, Offaly Sports Partnership, Health Services Executive, Laois / Offaly Educational Training Board, Offaly County Childcare Committee and Offaly Libraries is working towards the implementation of the Healthy Offaly Plan launched in 2018.

The Healthy Offaly Team develops and delivers an annual work plan in keeping with the aims of the Healthy Offaly strategy which include: -

  1. supporting the implementation of the Healthy Offaly strategy under six thematic areas - i. healthy weight; ii. mental health; iii. physical activity; iv. sexual health; v. substance misuse; and vi. spaces and places for health and wellbeing
  2. improving and supporting positive mental health and suicide awareness in communities
  3. facilitating communities to develop positive responses to emerging community health issues
  4. supporting parents in Offaly

Key areas of work under each thematic area include: -

1. Healthy weight

  • Support the delivery of effective community based programmes with a focus on disadvantaged areas / groups to enhance knowledge and skills with regard to healthy eating and active living; with special emphasis placed on providing guidance, advice and training to parents on healthy food and healthy eating

2. Mental health

  • Support the delivery of a range of mental health promoting initiatives in community, health and education settings; with the aim of improving the mental health of the whole population and priority groups

3. Physical activity

  • Support the continued development of accessible and affordable physical activities for all ages and abilities which encourages personal and social development including healthy behaviours
  • Support the development and implementation of initiatives to achieve the targets as set out in the "Get Ireland Active" strategy
  • Support the partnership work of public and private stakeholders to develop a range of recreational and amenity activities

4. Sexual health

  • Support the delivery of targeted campaigns to improve awareness of appropriate support services to priority groups
  • Support the roll out of accredited training across Offaly to increase comfort levels, confidence, knowledge and skills in relation to sexual health promotion

5. Substance misuse

  • Support the roll out of substance use education across all sectors; including youth services, services for people using substances, and other relevant sectors
  • Support the availability and geographical spread of relevant quality drug, alcohol and other services, based on identified needs

6. Spaces & Places for health and wellbeing

To keep up to date with all things Healthy Offaly, check out, follow us on Facebook/HealthyIrelandOffaly and Twitter/@HealthyOffaly
